
誠徵111學年第1學期 應用英語系兼任外籍教師乙名

公告類型: 單位公告
點閱次數: 564
A Part-time Native English Teacher Wanted
in the Department of Applied English for Fall, 2022

1.所需資格/requirements and qualifications:
a.英語教學等相關系所碩士以上/ Master's degree or higher in English language teaching or other related departments
b.教師證影印本(若有請提供)/A photocopy of teaching certificate (preferred)
c.畢業證書影印本/A photocopy of graduation diploma
2.上課時間/Class time:
每週一至週五(日間或夜間上課,依課程需要安排)/Monday~Friday (Day/Night, negotiable)
英文聽說讀寫核心課程、傳播媒體英文或通識英文相關科目/core English skills, English for Communication Media or Liberal Studies related subjects
Please submit your resume, a copy of your lecturer's certificate, and a copy of your graduation diploma to cjyang@stust.edu.tw or vicky12@stust.edu.tw by June 30.
發布日期: 2022/06/07 至 2022/07/15